Real Friends Podcast

Advent Episode 15: People of Joy

Real Life Community Church Season 3 Episode 15

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This episode not only uncovers the joyful identity of Christians but also illuminates the complex nature of Christian joy. It's not about being perpetually upbeat or discarding sorrow; rather, it's about recognizing the profound contentment and joy that the Holy Spirit uniquely offers within our souls. 

Tread with us on the path to deepening your understanding of Christian joy, a joy that transcends all worldly circumstances and remains rooted in Jesus Christ. Discover how we can experience the beauty of Christ in the Word and in the world, fostering this distinct joy even amidst trials. This journey promises to reshape your perception of joy as a Christian, enabling you to rejoice in the richness of your faith.

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Speaker 1:

Well, hello everybody. Thanks for joining us. I want to welcome you to the Real Friends podcast. This is Pastor Chris and I am flying solo today. This is episode number 15 in our Advent series.

Speaker 1:

We have previously looked at the themes of hope and peace and today we're going to begin looking at the theme of joy. You know, the people of God are to be a people of joy. As a matter of fact, the words joy, joyfully, joyous and joyful are used collectively get this 246 times in the Bible. Do you think God might be trying to tell us something? You know, I believe that joy serves as one of the pieces of evidence of true salvation. The people of God should not be saved and mad about it. I'm sure you've seen the type, even in church, where singing songs of celebration and people you know, some people have their arms folded and their frowns on their faces, refusing to sing, and it's like no, we're to be a people of joy.

Speaker 1:

One of my favorite parables is found in Matthew, chapter 13. It's called the parable of the hidden treasure, and in the story there's a man who comes upon a treasure in a hidden field which, by the way, represents the kingdom of God, and the story says that he goes and he sells all that he has in order to obtain the field and take hold of the treasure. And there's a key point that I want to make in that text. It says that he does all of that joyfully. Now think about that. He gets rid of every possession that he might obtain the kingdom but he's happy about it because nothing compares to the kingdom of God and it brings him overwhelming joy.

Speaker 1:

Now, joy is a word that we use in the church and in the world, but there's a great difference between Christian joy and worldly joy. See, worldly joy comes and goes because it is based upon worldly, everyday circumstances. You know it depends on whether or not we're healthy, or it depends on how our relationships are going or how our jobs are going or what our bank accounts look like. So you know worldly joy, it just kind of vacillates and you know it's really unpredictable. You never know if your day is going to be a day of joy or a day of sorrow in the world. But listen, it's not so with Christian joy. Christian joy is not based upon circumstances, which are constantly changing, but Christian joy is based on Jesus Christ himself, and he is unchanging.

Speaker 1:

I love the way that John Piper defines joy. He says that Christian joy is a good feeling in the soul, produced by the Holy Spirit, as he causes us to see the beauty of Christ in the Word and in the world. I'll read that one more time Christian joy is a good feeling in the soul, produced by the Holy Spirit. And let me pause. So it's not something that we just conjure up in and of ourselves. And the way that the Holy Spirit does this is he causes us to see the beauty of Christ in the Word. So we've got to be in the Word if we want to be people of joy and in the world. We see the beauty of Christ, even in this dark and tragic world, and so we are to be, as Christians of people of joy.

Speaker 1:

Listen, I love the Christmas song that says it's the most wonderful time of the year. You know, for many people those words ring true. But I am quite aware, as we are in the midst of this holiday season, that many of you perhaps listening to this episode. This season actually accentuates pain and sorrow for you because you have experienced loss in your life, you are perhaps going through some tragedy and it is simply hard to find the joy of the season. And, to be fair, I will say to you, it is no easy feat for any of us to walk in joy day in and day out. And I want to be very clear here.

Speaker 1:

Listen, to walk in joy does not mean that we are chipper and bubbly all the time. As a matter of fact, those kind of people drive me crazy. It does not mean that we do not lament or grieve. Grieving is part of the Christian life. Christian joy goes much deeper than that. It is a deep seated contentment in joy, deep in our soul, that can only come miraculously by the Holy Spirit.

Speaker 1:

Jesus wants us to be people of joy. He wants us to abound in great joy. In John 15, 11, jesus says these things I've spoken to you that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be full. Listen, friend, jesus wants your joy to be full and he came in part that you might experience that fullness of joy. So our aim in this podcast is to help us focus on Christ in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season. And so as we do that, as we focus on and meditate on His beauty and His glory and His wonder and His love and His mercy. When we see the supremacy of Christ, we will be full of joy and I pray that it overflows in your life this Christmas season. So, if you'll join me tomorrow, we're going to begin diving into the particulars of how we can walk in this joy. God bless you. Thank you for listening. Be sure to like and subscribe, and also share this podcast. God bless you.